Results of the 2012 World Beef Expo
National Grand Champion, KT Mac 1203
Reserve National Grand Champion, TDF Huck 1104
KT Mac 1203 was 2012 National Grand Champion Bull at the World Beef Expo. Thanks to Walter and Nancy Bohaty of Bohaty's British Whites for purchasing him. He is out of our herd sire Nimmer's Mac and semen is available on Mac. He is out of the first cow Kenan bought for 4H from Larry Fedlar of West Point, Iowa. Thanks to Greg and Jackson Soy and Dr. LaVon Hettich for helping show.2
TDF Huck 1104 was Reserve National Grand Champion Bull for 2012. He came out of the pasture on a Wednesday and showed on Friday. He is out of Debeauvoir Huckleberry Finn from England. Semen is available on him.
PASA Strut 1402, Reserve Grand Champion 2014
Our new herd bull for 2015
We had another good year at the World Beef Expo. We won every class we entered. PASA Strut 1402, purchased from Paul Gieselman was champion bull calf and Reserve Grand Champion overall. He is the grandson of cow that we sold Paul to start his herd. His sire is Nimmer's Monty Mike, his maternal grandsire is Wolf's Red SW622. He is a well muscled correct bull with a moderate frame. He is also one of the calmest calves I have ever been around. We will be taking early semen orders pending ability to collect him next spring.
Thanks to Clayton, Alex, and Emily Aderman for helping me show. Thank you to the Hockerman's for washing the cattle and Megan for showing.
KT Snow Queen 1302 won her class. TDF Creek 1305 won her class and was reserve champion senior heifer. KT Snow Queen 1402 won her class and was reserve heifer calf champion and TDF Jill 1401 was third in the same class. TDF Frosty Top won the percentage American British White Park class. Let us know if you are looking for show cattle for 2015, as we have had a very good run with at least one or more reserve or grand champions at the World Beef Expo the last four years.